
About Me

Hello! I’m BERNIE! I’m a french artist based in Sweden.
My family being artists, I was fascinated by drawings, paintings and fantasy since my early age. My health condition was also not so good when I was young-teen, so my imagination improved a lot by this time, it was my magic potion to escape from my diseases. My work now is to help people to dream, think positive and feel good so I keep going working and sharing my dreams.

I studied ‘History of Art’ and ‘Art Architecture and Design’ at the University of Bordeaux. I was fascinated by the artworks of Frederich, Girodet with”Attala au tombeau” -my favorite painting- and Gustave Moreau. I studied and received a diploma in art teaching. I moved in Sweden when I was 27 and started to exhibit in Europa and worked a while with Philippines Studio Creative Asia Animation to make Storyboards. I currently live and work in Sweden and have my own Gallery. My works have been exhibited in galleries and private collections in different countries.

During many years my artwork has been characterized by the technique “mixed-media”: I mix acrylic with mediums, pastels, ink, charcoal and silk paper on wood or canvas. I like to use this materials because each material has their own way to express different thinks and using them together it’s like an explosion of possibilities to work with. My artwork has also been characterized by the contrast between light and shadow, sensitive lines, enigmatic figures, nature or architectures that reveal stories or fairy tales with sensibility and gentleness. Sweden is the country that became my principal source of inspiration and where I could really improve my techniques and my fantasy. The nature is beautiful: The powerful light and green of the summertime, the darkness and the cold but also the warm and cosy atmosphere of the wintertime, the enigmatic light and stones in the forest and the Nordic legendary.
Welcome to my worlds!

Critics and reviews

“Bernadette wanders her eyes over cities of the world, from which she offers paintings linking the purity of post-modern lines and the longing for the atmospheres of the 50’s” –

“Bernadette experimenterar, tar ut vida svängar. Hon hämtar idéer från sånt hon sett, från sin inre fantasivärld, men även från verk som tillhör konsthistorien. I hennes fall får man titta efter signaturen för att informera sig om målningens ursprung. Dock visar hon ett par svartvita målningar som utmärker sig med en distinkt linjeföring och en tveklöst pålagd svärta. Med liknande arbeten tror jag att Bernadette de Tauzia kommer att nå längst.” –